GEPSA holds a contract with the French Prison Service.
We are committed to offering you the best possible conditions when you visit the Family Center, in partnership with local associations.
Our agents make telephone appointments.
Ils sont aussi présents dans le local d’accueil pour vous informer et vous orienter, par exemple :
- To reserve a visiting room
- About opening hours
- On childcare options
- To access the facility…
Colis de Noël 2022
Permis de visite
To visit a detainee, you must obtain a visit permit and reserve a visiting room.
The visit permit is
personal and nominative.
Each visitor (including children)
must be in possession of a visitor’s permit in order to take
a visiting room appointment.
Visiting permits may be issued to persons other than family members under certain conditions.
If the detainee is transferred, the visit permit remains valid regardless of the destination prison.
Obtenir un permis de visite
Put together your application for a visitor’s permit by filling in the forms and providing all the necessary supporting documents.
If the application is incomplete, illegible or incorrect, it will be rejected.
A qui adresser le dossier ?
- For a “defendant”, i.e. a person awaiting trial or whose conviction is not final:
To the Magistrate in charge of the case at the Tribunal de Grande Instance d’Aix-en-Provence
40 Boulevard Carnot 13100 AIX-EN-PROVENCE
04 42 33 83 55 - For a person who has been “detained”, i.e. convicted and whose sentence is final:
To the Director of the Aix-en-Provence Penitentiary
70 route des Châteaux du Mont Robert CS 20600 13595 AIX-EN-PROVENCE CEDEX 3
04 42 37 93 00 - If the person has appealed his conviction :
To the Deputy Attorney General of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal
Place de Verdun 13100 AIX-EN-PROVENCE
04 42 33 80 00
Documents required to obtain a visit permit
Réserver un parloir
Reminder: You must first have received a letter from the prison administration validating your visit permit.
As soon as you receive this validation, you will be able to book your visiting room appointments on the terminals provided for this purpose in the family reception area.
A GEPSA receptionist will guide you through the process.
If the terminal is unavailable, reservations can still be made by telephone (see details opposite).
You can also book your visiting room appointments online. For more details, please consult the document below:
- The first visiting room appointment must be made by telephone on 0 800 009 199 (free service and call).
- A GEPSA agent is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm – 2pm to 5pm.
- For people who do not live in the département, visiting room reservations can be made by telephone.
- Internet booking of visiting rooms is now available.
Procédures pour le parloir
For visiting room appointments, each visitor must bring :
- A valid ID. The visitor must hand it in on entering the establishment and collect it on leaving.
- For visitors accompanying a child, the family record book (livret de famille) to prove the family relationship, as well as a piece of identification or an identity card for the minor child (e.g. school, bus or sports card).
Number of authorized visiting rooms
- Defendants on appeal :
3 visiting rooms per week - Convicted :
1 visiting room per week
Number of visitors authorized per visiting room
- 2 adults and 2 minors
- 1 adult and 3 minors
- Visitors under 18 years of age must have the authorization of both parents or of the person with parental authority, and must be accompanied by an adult who holds a visitor’s permit.
Effets personnels des visiteurs
There are lockers in the family reception building, where visitors can leave personal items not allowed in the prison (e.g. handbags, cell phones, cigarettes, cash, etc.).
GEPSA encourages you to bring the following items with you to close the locker for items not allowed in the visiting room:
- a shopping cart token or €1 coin for Aix 2
Personne à mobilité réduite
There are special facilities for people with reduced mobility. Visitors who wish to make an appointment in this area must submit a request to the head of the school, accompanied by a disability card. To obtain a disabled box slot, they must call the dedicated telephone line.
Visitors will pass through a metal detector to enter the facility, so to facilitate access :
- People with medical prostheses must inform prison staff and produce a medical certificate.
- Visitors should avoid wearing metal accessories: jewelry, metal buckles (shoes, belts), watches, etc.
Cas où l’accès peut être refusé au parloir
- Visitors without a permit
- Visitor without ID
- Visitor who has not booked a visiting room appointment
- Visitor not complying with facility security rules (3 consecutive rings at security gate, refusal to submit to magnetometer, etc.)
Accueil des Enfants
GEPSA reception staff are qualified to welcome children aged 3 and over.
To visit a divorced or separated detained parent, the latter must prove that he or she has access rights to his or her minor child.
Visitors under 18 years of age must have the authorization of both parents or of the person with parental authority, and must be accompanied by an adult who holds a visitor’s permit.
Avant le parloir
In the family reception area, children are offered activities to help them wait. During this period, the child remains under the full responsibility of the supervisor, who is responsible for his or her supervision.
Certain equipment, such as changing tables, cots, bottle warmers, microwaves, etc., are available in the family reception area.
Pendant le parloir
For small children, you can bring certain nursery items into the visiting room, which must be wrapped in transparent plastic:
diapers, prepared bottle or small capped water bottle, baby wipes, “doudou”, pacifier.
For children over the age of 3, who do not wish to or cannot attend the visiting room, and at the request of a parent, the receptionist may provide free childcare for the detainee’s children under 2 conditions:
- The person making the request must be able to prove that he or she has parental authority over the child by producing the family record book, his or her identity document, and an identity document or birth certificate for the child concerned.
- The person making the request must sign the GEPSA authorization form. Without signing this document, staff are not authorized to take charge of the child.
"Des boites aux lettres sont à disposition dans le local afin d’y déposer les dessins et poèmes réalisés par les enfants pour leur parent incarcéré (après validation de l’administration pénitentiaire)"
Horaires des parloirs
You must be present 30 minutes before the start of the visiting room. Any delay will result in cancellation of the visit.
To cancel an appointment, use the kiosks or contact us by telephone on 0 800 009 199 (free service and call), providing the security key.
FAMILY CALL TIME | Beginning of visiting room | End of visiting room |
8h00 | 8h30 | 9h20 |
9h00 | 9h30 | 10h20 |
10h00 | 10h30 | 11h20 |
Opening days and times of the family reception area :
- Tuesday to Friday: 7.15 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
- Saturday, 7.15 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: the last visiting room on Saturday afternoons is at 2.30pm (two rounds only).
FAMILY CALL TIME | Beginning of visiting room | End of visiting room |
13h30 | 14h00 | 14h50 |
14h30 | 15h00 | 15h50 |
15h30 | 16h00 | 16h50 |
For incarcerated minors, visiting hours are 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. from Tuesday to Saturday.
For disabled visitors: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at all times, and Thursday mornings only.
FAMILY CALL TIME | Beginning of visiting room | End of visiting room |
7h50 | 8h20 | 9h10 |
8h30 | 9h00 | 9h50 |
9h00 | 9h30 | 10h20 |
9h40 | 10h10 | 11h00 |
FAMILY CALL TIME | Beginning of visiting room | End of visiting room |
13h20 | 13h50 | 14h40 |
14h00 | 14h30 | 15h20 |
14h30 | 15h00 | 15h50 |
15h10 | 15h40 | 16h30 |
Envoyer de l'argent
Every prisoner has a personal account. This account can be used, for example, to “canteen” (buy products in the canteen), to build up an exit nest egg, or to meet any obligation to compensate victims.
This account is managed by the prison’s accounting department (Régisseur des comptes nominatifs). The sums paid are allocated to the prisoner’s disposable allowance in accordance with the rules set out in the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Approvisionner le compte
The registered account can be funded :
- By money earned by the inmate within the establishment (e.g. by working in the workshops or general service)
- By external transfers
Envoyer des virements
Cash, chequebooks and bank cards are FORBIDDEN in detention.
By bank transfer (cheaper)
- At the bank counter or online
- Complete the transfer order by filling in the three fields:
- Beneficiary: Manager of the nominative accounts of the Aix-Luynes Penitentiary Centre
- RIB: that of the establishment’s nominative accounts (see above)
- optional or free” field or “reason for transfer” (31 characters): enter the prisoner’s registration number (space), surname (space) and first name (must be entered in this order).
By mandate-justice
- Download the “mandat-justice” form at the family reception desk
- Go to a post office with proof of identity.
- Pay the amount to be transferred and complete the slip
- Send part 1 of the slip by post to the prison, indicating the prisoner’s surname, first name and booking number.
Any transfer with incomplete, illegible or erroneous information will be rejected and returned to the sender. If the detainee is soon to be released or transferred, it is preferable to avoid making a transfer.
Contacter une personne détenue
It is not possible to telephone an incarcerated person, but they can call under certain conditions.
In the event of a serious or important event, contact the Insertion and Probation Counselor on 04 42 37 93 22, Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm.
Contenu du courrier autorisé
- stamps (maximum 10)
- envelopes, stationery
- photographs of my family
- all documents relating to family life and the exercise of parental authority
Contenu du courrier interdit
- No passport photos
- No money (cheques, cash, etc.)
Ecrire à une personne détenue à l’adresse de l’établissement :
70 route des Châteaux du Mont Robert
Specify on the envelope the detainee’s first and last name, prison and cell number.
No parcels may be delivered to a detainee, except during the festive season to send foodstuffs. The scheme will be available from Monday December 7, 2020 to Sunday January 31, 2021 inclusive, and details can be found here.
Apporter ou reprendre du linge
The facility has a laundry service that enables inmates to have their laundry done free of charge. Families can drop off or pick up dirty linen.
Avant obtention du permis de visite
Linen bags for arrivals can be dropped off at Aix 2 from Tuesday to Saturday, 7.50am to 11.25am and 1.20pm to 4.55pm, within the first 15 days of the detainee’s arrival. Beyond that, the bag will be refused. The family should then write to the director (see attached), enclosing a self-addressed stamped envelope.
For minors and IQs who do not complete their arrival procedure in the reception and assessment area, they will be deposited in Aix 1 under the same conditions.
The bag must be made of plastic and zipped to the following dimensions:
- Height: 52cm
- Width: 50cm
- Depth: 23cm
- Sports bags, leather bags or bags with pockets are not permitted.
These bags are available from reception and cost 2 euros. If you wish to drop off a 2nd bag of laundry before the first parlor appointment, you must write to management and request authorization.
Après obtention du permis de visite
- You can drop off one bag of laundry per week.
- For all linen deliveries, please show proof of identity, attach a list of incoming linen and write legibly on the bag:
LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, BOOKING NUMBER - Soiled linen can be collected on leaving the visiting room.
Contents of the laundry bag authorized by the Penitentiary Centre
Halte Vincent 13
Le Ligourès- Place Romée de Villeneuve
13090 Aix en Provence
Telephone Association
04 42 97 05 76
Local telephone Accueil des Familles
04 88 14 84 84
Extension 9144 (Aix 1), 8604 (Aix 2)
On-site presence at the prison | |
Tuesday | 7.15 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. |
Wednesday | 7.15 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. |
Thursday | 7.15 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. |
Friday | 7.15 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. |
Saturday | 7.15 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. |
Notre rôle
In partnership with GEPSA reception staff, whose mission is to welcome, inform and guide, our association’s aim is to maintain and strengthen initiatives aimed at fostering family ties, a vital element in reintegration. Training courses have been set up for the volunteers who welcome families, so that they can respond competently to your needs for listening and support.
Our volunteers are available to help on visiting days. At the Luynes prison, the family reception area is located to the left of the prison entrance.
To make waiting easier, you’ll find seats, tables, a games area, a vending machine for drinks and snacks, toilets, and equipment for small children in pleasant surroundings.
Families often find it difficult to discuss incarceration with their children. Booklets have been published by UFRAMA to support dialogue within the family: “Tim et Je mystère de la patte bleue” for 3-7 year-olds and “Avoir un parent en prison” for 7-11 year-olds “Tim et le bracelet mystérieux”. Don’t hesitate to ask. Volunteers will be on hand to help you explain what you need to know to your children.
A comprehensive welcome booklet has been drawn up. It contains as much useful information as possible. They can be obtained from our volunteers or GEPSA receptionists. We’re also on hand to refer you to other partner associations, government departments and shelters.
If you are worried when you return from a visit because your loved one has mentioned problems related to detention or has seemed depressed, or has shown warning signs of a risk of physical harm to his or her person (negative comments, sudden change in behavior), don’t hesitate to alert the volunteers so that they can file a report with the prison administration.
How to get there
- 2285 Route de l’Enfant 13085 Aix-en-Provence CEDEX 02
- +33 4 42 37 93 00